indanile: Congress. Chicago.
indanile: Chicago, in a hurry. I'm not sure why.
indanile: Grant Park, in a nice evening light. Chicago.
indanile: Sneaking into the Essex. Chicago.
indanile: Crane, Chicago.
indanile: Cartographical depiction of Ohio as cassette tape. Chicago.
indanile: The path to the opposite of redememption and delicious tacos. Chicago.
indanile: The victor in a battle of no sleep. Chicago.
indanile: labor of love. or something. Chicago.
indanile: D & M, about to leave me, or was i leaving them? in the park. Chicago.
indanile: Splendor in the Grass. Chicago.
indanile: Bender in the Grass. Chicago.
indanile: Life, before an amazing diner where you could eat and take a disco nap. Chicago.
indanile: Mo and Nikki, 3AM, Chicago
indanile: Chicago. Blue and black.
indanile: Guiness Blur. Chicago.
indanile: EAT, Chicago.
indanile: observe the pockets, not the booty. a marvel of modern technology.
indanile: Veggie Paella, Cafe Iberrica, Chicago
indanile: Let's Go Hawks, Chicago
indanile: Navy Pier, Chicago
indanile: Samm, Vickie, Navy Pier, Chicago
indanile: Lights on. Ferris Wheel, Navy Pier, Chitown.
indanile: Lights Off. Ferris Wheel. Navy Pier, Chitown.
indanile: Navy Pier, Silhouette. Chicago
indanile: Ferris Wheel, Twilight, Navy Pier, Missing some vampires. Chicago
indanile: It's not easy being green. Navy Pier, Chicago.
indanile: Navy Pier, Chicago. Encore une fois. In color.
indanile: Navy Pier, life in mono. Chicago
indanile: I spent the whole weekend just wanting to jump in. Navy Pier, Chicago