indanile: Kiss me Again by Dinosaur.
indanile: Berlin to Madrid.
indanile: "Afrika! Afrika!" apparently the whole continent is now live on stage in Berlin.
indanile: Some very cool street lights. Berlin.
indanile: Parrot Caipirinhas! Berlin
indanile: This is what Arzt behind bars looks like in Berlin.
indanile: I wish we still lived next door to each other with only David Bowie coming between us.
indanile: This is what getting a very large tatoo in Berlin looks like.
indanile: the hut
indanile: This is what Berlin looks like from the 18th story
indanile: 17th floor view at Solar. Berlin.
indanile: Solar. Berlin.
indanile: Don't jump. Solar. Berlin.
indanile: Jesus Loves You A Bit More in Berlin
indanile: Cannabis is a refreshing beverage in Berlin.
indanile: This is what grocery shopping looks like when you are too poor for KaDaWe. Berlin.
indanile: This is what a Jack and Ginger Ale looks like in Berlin.
indanile: Ooof. Pretzel. J'taime in German. Berlin.
indanile: You can still smoke in restaurants in Berlin! (not that this is adviseable of course, just interesting to note.)
indanile: This is what a city with lots of great street art looks like in the dead of winter, Berlin.
indanile: the hut. Berlin.
indanile: These boots are made for walking. In the rain. (Berlin)
indanile: There are many ways to pour tea at KaDeWe.
indanile: KaDeWe! Tea choices, Berlin
indanile: The Schloss, Berlin (Charlotteberg)
indanile: Rob, Berlin