inchbyinch: dancing
inchbyinch: valerie (klimt 'the kiss') and dad (escher)
inchbyinch: valerie (klimt 'the kiss') and dad (escher)
inchbyinch: dancing
inchbyinch: jason (magritte)
inchbyinch: the couple gets to eat, briefly
inchbyinch: the officiant (dali)
inchbyinch: valerie and jason's wedding_MICA people
inchbyinch: aunts and grandparents
inchbyinch: jesse (pollock)
inchbyinch: aunt carole (roumanian blouse)
inchbyinch: mom, valerie, grandma
inchbyinch: amy, valerie, me
inchbyinch: amy, dad, valerie, & me
inchbyinch: amy, dad, valerie, & me
inchbyinch: valerie and amy
inchbyinch: grandma, with centerpiece whirlybobs
inchbyinch: cheers, mom
inchbyinch: cake!