incendiarymind: beautiful fandom
incendiarymind: potty mouthed teenager
incendiarymind: taking a break to quench the pipes
incendiarymind: figuring a setlist change
incendiarymind: pontification on the suburbs
incendiarymind: Jeminazig
incendiarymind: limber as an 18-year old
incendiarymind: shaking the locks
incendiarymind: not a rock star yet
incendiarymind: sound checking the guitar
incendiarymind: go pure joy
incendiarymind: standing ovation
incendiarymind: the full logo
incendiarymind: Amanda thanks the crowd
incendiarymind: the many shoes of Lollapalooza
incendiarymind: before the makeup began to wear off
incendiarymind: taking off the dress
incendiarymind: no need to explain this one
incendiarymind: absolutely feeling it
incendiarymind: last song excitement
incendiarymind: guest performer
incendiarymind: psyching out the drums
incendiarymind: Amanda Palmer sells out
incendiarymind: introducing The Flaming Lips
incendiarymind: inverted "v" is for victory
incendiarymind: and the winner is