incanus: me sleeping
incanus: pies
incanus: Russ enjoys the morning goodies
incanus: bread making
incanus: Russ works on carbs, I work on caffeine
incanus: coffee prep
incanus: Mavis supervises the cooking
incanus: Russ starts the turkey
incanus: turkey prep
incanus: gravy study
incanus: steaming innards
incanus: stuffing
incanus: turkey turning time
incanus: Larry helps with the flip
incanus: turkey flipping
incanus: cheese plate
incanus: more cheese plate
incanus: veggies
incanus: settings
incanus: sideboard table
incanus: turkey carving
incanus: Michelle helps direct carving
incanus: Larry's Smooth Moves
incanus: covering Coulton
incanus: bass
incanus: Russ strums
incanus: weird
incanus: playing Apples To Apples