incanus: park entrance
incanus: Checkerboard Mesa
incanus: Zion's eastern arch
incanus: campsite
incanus: campsite
incanus: canyon view
incanus: natural spring
incanus: Michelle at one of the Middle Emerald Pools
incanus: sheer cliffs above the pools
incanus: Upper Emerald Pools
incanus: the descent
incanus: headed towards Lower Emerald Pools
incanus: natural spring waterfall
incanus: Michelle under the spring
incanus: more spring
incanus: Zion Lodge lawn
incanus: Zion Lodge
incanus: our campsite in the morning (first night without the rain fly)
incanus: breakfast view
incanus: ranger tour
incanus: Angel's Landing
incanus: more Angel's Landing
incanus: natural waterfall
incanus: Michelle at the Weeping Rock