incanus: Arches entrance
incanus: the closest we got to Bighorn Sheep...
incanus: ...not for lack of trying, though
incanus: campsite on the Colorado
incanus: campsite at Goose Island
incanus: Arches formation
incanus: Michelle and the red rocks
incanus: Balanced Rock
incanus: me & Balanced Rock
incanus: Balanced Rock
incanus: one of many cottontails
incanus: pretty sky
incanus: RVs & formations
incanus: great view
incanus: Landscape Arch
incanus: me & Landscape Arch (306 feet wide)
incanus: Michelle navigates
incanus: Pine Tree Arch
incanus: Pine Tree Arch
incanus: lion country warning
incanus: Skyline Arch
incanus: Balanced Rock from afar
incanus: sun starts to set
incanus: Three Gossips
incanus: Haley, our tracking guide
incanus: sunning lizard
incanus: Windows
incanus: us & Windows arches
incanus: Michelle & the north window
incanus: don't recall which arch this is