Genie Gratto: The view from the Oakland Tourist Club
Genie Gratto: Peeking backward
Genie Gratto: The bride enters
Genie Gratto: Alicia & Andreas
Genie Gratto: Reception decor
Genie Gratto: Fondue
Genie Gratto: Me & the ring bearer
Genie Gratto: Baby & face
Genie Gratto: This way to the restrooms
Genie Gratto: Paul gladhands with a baby
Genie Gratto: The toss!
Genie Gratto: Posing
Genie Gratto: First dance
Genie Gratto: Father-daughter dance
Genie Gratto: Family dances
Genie Gratto: The kids are alright
Genie Gratto: Pole climbing
Genie Gratto: Branched