Genie Gratto: Capo adjustment
Genie Gratto: Ben Fuller
Genie Gratto: Heads down in it
Genie Gratto: Jon Locker
Genie Gratto: Jason Walsmith, singing
Genie Gratto: Jason, Jason, Mike
Genie Gratto: Becca and Jason
Genie Gratto: Becca Smith
Genie Gratto: The drummer on vox
Genie Gratto: Becca acknowledges her admirers
Genie Gratto: Mike at the mic
Genie Gratto: The two Jasons
Genie Gratto: Smiling Jason
Genie Gratto: Rhythm section
Genie Gratto: Hitting the high note
Genie Gratto: What line is it, anyway?
Genie Gratto: It pains the producer...
Genie Gratto: Why don't you look up those lyrics?
Genie Gratto: Google knows all
Genie Gratto: One still, one in motion
Genie Gratto: Thank you and goodnight!