Genie Gratto:
Genie Gratto:
The 14th Street crowd
Genie Gratto:
Flag waves
Genie Gratto:
The lone dissenters, flanked by the OPD
Genie Gratto:
Even educated dogs know what's up
Genie Gratto:
Step off, h8ers
Genie Gratto:
Stilt-brides take a bow
Genie Gratto:
Stilt-brides, waltzing
Genie Gratto:
Stilt-brides wait to go onstage
Genie Gratto:
Stilt-brides practicing behind the scenes
Genie Gratto:
Stand united
Genie Gratto:
A poem directed at those who don't understand
Genie Gratto:
On the steps of City Hall
Genie Gratto:
Civil right
Genie Gratto:
Media representative interviews Rebecca Kaplan
Genie Gratto:
Remembering a hate crime victim
Genie Gratto:
Rebecca Kaplan sounds the shofar to call everyone to action
Genie Gratto:
Fist in the air
Genie Gratto:
News chopper circles Ogawa Plaza
Genie Gratto:
The chickens have more rights
Genie Gratto:
Let the kids lead the way
Genie Gratto:
What she didn't learn in school
Genie Gratto:
Family event
Genie Gratto:
He'd rather have the t-shirt
Genie Gratto:
Genie Gratto:
Oakland stands in solidarity
Genie Gratto:
The dissenter