imagistpoet: 0684 Leh (Kashmir) to Palampur (Himachel Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0685 Gravel road building trucks just after the border between the Punjab and Himachel Pradesh - India
imagistpoet: 0686 Kangra - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0687 Monkey eating - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0688 The baby monkey dares to take from the lead male eating - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0689 Pilgrims - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0690 Climbing up into the hills - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0691 Looking up towards Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0692 By the roadside - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0693 Magpie by the roadside - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0694 Buffalo by the roadside - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0695 Church of St John in the wilderness (Anglican) sign - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0696 Church of St John in the wilderness (Anglican) - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0697 Church of St John in the wilderness (Anglican) interior - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0697a Memorial to the Earl of Elgin (d 1863 in Dhurmsala) - Church of St John in the wilderness (Anglican) - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0698 Tourist outside Church of St John in the wilderness (Anglican) - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0699 Tourists outside Church of St John in the wilderness (Anglican) - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0700 Lilly outside Church of St John in the wilderness (Anglican) - On the way to Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0701 Mo shopping in Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0702 Roasting corn in Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0703 Evening in Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0705 Evening in Dharamsala (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0706 The house where we stayed near Palampur (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0706a Fruit bearing bush in the garden of the house where we stayed near Palampur (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0706b Lilly in the garden of the house where we stayed near Palampur (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0706c Monica in the garden of the house where we stayed near Palampur (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0707 View from the porch of the house where we stayed near Palampur (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0708 Two ants on the porch of the house where we stayed near Palampur (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0709 Ganesh on the porch of the house where we stayed near Palampur (Himachel-Pradesh) - India
imagistpoet: 0711 Stairway up to our room in the house where we stayed near Palampur (Himachel-Pradesh) - India