Eat the roots: Uova e semi di finocchio.
Eat the roots: Vaniglia
Eat the roots: Strawberries
Eat the roots: Fagioli freschi
Eat the roots: Fagioli freschi
Eat the roots: Asparagi selvatici
Eat the roots: Fagioli freschi
Eat the roots: Carciofi
Eat the roots: Carciofo
Eat the roots: Carciofi
Eat the roots: Carne per genovese
Eat the roots: Cipolle
Eat the roots: Zucca ornamentale
Eat the roots: Lenticchie, erba cipollina
Eat the roots: Lenticchie
Eat the roots: Aglio fresco
Eat the roots: Cipolline novelle arrosto al timo e miele
Eat the roots: Ciliege
Eat the roots: Melenzane
Eat the roots: Melenzane arrostite
Eat the roots: Verdure sulla brace
Eat the roots: Fiori di zucca
Eat the roots: Pomodorini del mio balcone