MM_Andamon: Adelaide CDB skyline
MM_Andamon: Human scale
MM_Andamon: off to the Top End...for work
MM_Andamon: at the Top End
MM_Andamon: Darwin Wharf Precinct
MM_Andamon: Darwin Entertainment Centre
MM_Andamon: Darwin CBD
MM_Andamon: Darwin City architecture
MM_Andamon: Darwin City architecture
MM_Andamon: Mitchell Centre Shopping Centre
MM_Andamon: Mitchell Centre
MM_Andamon: Mitchell Centre detail
MM_Andamon: ...hmmm
MM_Andamon: Mitchell Centre Shopping Centre
MM_Andamon: Mitchell Street
MM_Andamon: Top End architecture
MM_Andamon: Government House
MM_Andamon: Northern Territory Supreme Court / cyclone shelter
MM_Andamon: Parliament House
MM_Andamon: Northern Territory Parliament House
MM_Andamon: Parliament House detail
MM_Andamon: The Mall - Smith Street Mall
MM_Andamon: Smith Street Mall
MM_Andamon: at Smith Street Mall
MM_Andamon: Darwin Convention Centre
MM_Andamon: Darwin Convention Centre detail
MM_Andamon: ..Nervi-inspired
MM_Andamon: Darwin Convention Centre
MM_Andamon: Darwin Waterfront Promenade
MM_Andamon: Darwin Waterfront