Imscenergy: Floating candles
Imscenergy: A sad Duck
Imscenergy: Great Falls, VA
Imscenergy: Colorful Vegas
Imscenergy: A few brave souls experiencing the Grand Canyon up close
Imscenergy: Blue Whale
Imscenergy: Blue whale tail
Imscenergy: the Lighthouse
Imscenergy: Testudines
Imscenergy: Sticky sand
Imscenergy: Life is good :)
Imscenergy: Untitled
Imscenergy: "Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance." - Charles Lindbergh
Imscenergy: The sun doesn't stop shining just because of dark clouds.
Imscenergy: Big Sur, CA
Imscenergy: Golden Gate Bridge
Imscenergy: San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge
Imscenergy: ~ secluded ~
Imscenergy: "Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature." - Gerard De Nerval
Imscenergy: time has come...
Imscenergy: Monument
Imscenergy: thirsty rain...
Imscenergy: ~ Frozen in Time ~
Imscenergy: Lighting the dark
Imscenergy: keep your eye on the money
Imscenergy: Snowy benches
Imscenergy: Look away
Imscenergy: drops x