impoftheyard: Squirrel02
impoftheyard: Squirrel01
impoftheyard: Curlew
impoftheyard: Territorial battle
impoftheyard: DSC_0076
impoftheyard: DSC_0061
impoftheyard: Blue tit
impoftheyard: The chase.
impoftheyard: They went that way...
impoftheyard: Cygnet
impoftheyard: Swan 2
impoftheyard: Swan 1
impoftheyard: Grazing geese
impoftheyard: Greylag geese
impoftheyard: Pladda at dusk
impoftheyard: Sunbathing seals
impoftheyard: Basking Seal
impoftheyard: Bumble bee
impoftheyard: Starlings
impoftheyard: Duck with big lump of bread in its cheek...
impoftheyard: DSC_6279
impoftheyard: DSC_6205
impoftheyard: DSC_6044
impoftheyard: P1110305
impoftheyard: P1110293