MMT1972: Around and around...
MMT1972: And around some more...
MMT1972: I'm thinking a few people lost flip-flops...
MMT1972: The GIANT WHEEL (cue ominous music)...
MMT1972: Mmmm... pretty lights...
MMT1972: Spoken too soon?
MMT1972: It's not easy being green...
MMT1972: There is always something oddly disturbing about the carousel...
MMT1972: Self portrait...
MMT1972: The Lady...
MMT1972: Classic.
MMT1972: The Early Shift... Toronto Photography Meetup Group
MMT1972: Classically Neoclassical?
MMT1972: The GIANT WHEEL... again.
MMT1972: mmm.... pretty lights...
MMT1972: Fireball... mwah ha ha ha ha....
MMT1972: Waiting for Timmy... (and Suzy, Johnny, and Betsy, etc.)
MMT1972: Fireball, part Deux.
MMT1972: Rolling away...