Martin G. Conde:
Dott.ssa Caterina Pisu, "Earthquake closes Smithsonian museums; damages Washington National Cathedral." Museum Newspaper (29/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - The National Cathedral: post-Earthquake Restoration Work. The Washington Post (22/10/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC - Earthquake-damaged Washington National Cathedral needs to raise millions. Washington Post (24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - National Cathedral Assessing 'Significant Damage' after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Crane at cathedral falls, hits buildings. Operator injured; machine being used to fix quake damage. By Theola Labbé-DeBose, WASHINGTON POST Thursday, September 08, 2011.
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - New Inspection Reveal a 1.21m / 4ft Crack in Washington Monument after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - New Inspection Reveal a 1.21m / 4ft Crack in Washington Monument after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - New Inspection Reveal a 1.21m / 4ft Crack in Washington Monument after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - New Inspection Reveal a 1.21m / 4ft Crack in Washington Monument after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
Washington DC, USA - New Inspection Reveal a 1.21m / 4ft Crack in Washington Monument after the Earthquake (23-24/08/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
The Washington Monument - The process of conducting a block-by-block inspection of the exterior of the Washington Monument for Earthquake Damage / Il monumento WASHINGTON - conducendo un blocco per blocco di ispezione degli esterni (27/09/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
The Washington Monument - The process of conducting a block-by-block inspection of the exterior of the Washington Monument for Earthquake Damage / Il monumento WASHINGTON - conducendo un blocco per blocco di ispezione degli esterni (27/09/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
The Washington Monument - The process of conducting a block-by-block inspection of the exterior of the Washington Monument for Earthquake Damage / Il monumento WASHINGTON - conducendo un blocco per blocco di ispezione degli esterni (27/09/2011).
Martin G. Conde:
MUSEI “NELL’OCCHIO DEL CICLONE,” Di Caterina Pisu e Antony Wakefield. ARCHEONEWS. Anno VIII - Numero XCIII 3 (Ottobre 2011).
Martin G. Conde:
(AP) SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (12/11/2011) - Copper thieves have struck at President Abraham Lincoln's burial site in Springfield, Ill. USA.