imperfiction: Look into the lagoon
imperfiction: Playing with water
imperfiction: Into the small street
imperfiction: Venice - modern and old
imperfiction: Shades
imperfiction: Portrait of a princess
imperfiction: Into the sun
imperfiction: Big bracelet
imperfiction: Sunlight
imperfiction: Sleepy couple
imperfiction: Composing
imperfiction: Meditative reflections
imperfiction: Umbrella
imperfiction: Old photo
imperfiction: At the closed food market
imperfiction: Important job in Venice
imperfiction: Untitled
imperfiction: Waiting for the bus
imperfiction: Umbrella
imperfiction: Italian poise
imperfiction: Reflections
imperfiction: Haircut
imperfiction: Chanel
imperfiction: Museum piece
imperfiction: Museum guard
imperfiction: Museum
imperfiction: Museum
imperfiction: Negatives enlightened
imperfiction: Leica M Summilux - Week 31