Imohux: Before the race
Imohux: bridge wave
Imohux: cross the line
Imohux: done official photo
Imohux: final mat crossing
Imohux: Finish
Imohux: gun time
Imohux: Head down coming in to the finish
Imohux: Johnson Bridge better one
Imohux: Johnson Bridge
Imohux: Bridge
Imohux: looking at finish
Imohux: lots of the bridge
Imohux: more bridge pics
Imohux: oh the relief
Imohux: PreStart
Imohux: smile at camera
Imohux: so happy to see the end
Imohux: still happy to see end
Imohux: Sunglasses in hand feet in air finish
Imohux: Sunny Running
Imohux: tissues
Imohux: wave at camera
Imohux: yay
Imohux: Portland
Imohux: Portland