pup707: empty windows
pup707: collapsed section through trees
pup707: window
pup707: doorway inder a collapsed section
pup707: eric gets some shots through the window
pup707: exterior: a four star establishment of ruin
pup707: inner office
pup707: office with collapsed roof
pup707: locker room
pup707: locker room
pup707: roof view from the locker room upstairs
pup707: thermostat?
pup707: showers
pup707: showers
pup707: break room
pup707: from an office
pup707: control box
pup707: looming
pup707: more debris
pup707: debris
pup707: if only all walls were this pretty
pup707: patchwork neighborhood view
pup707: carmen gets vacation
pup707: what i think was a loading garage
pup707: most of the open back wall
pup707: power
pup707: darkened corner, upper level
pup707: roof
pup707: voltage
pup707: electrical