runs with *scissors*:
263/3654: A is for Abstaining from Apricot Ale, Ambers of any kind, well really Any and All Alcoholic Beverages
runs with *scissors*:
264/365: B is for Bicycle: " a method of transport derived from a geometric theory that the closest distance between two points is pain."
runs with *scissors*:
265/365: C is for Clean Closet
runs with *scissors*:
266/365: D -- “Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hate. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.” William Arthur Ward
runs with *scissors*:
267/365: 'E' is for Elbow
runs with *scissors*:
268/365: 'F' is for Fishy FUTAB Friday
runs with *scissors*:
269/365: 'G' is for Girly
runs with *scissors*:
270/365: 'H' is for Hat
runs with *scissors*:
271/365: 'I' is for Idea
runs with *scissors*:
272/365: 'J' is for Jumpin' Jehosephat!!
runs with *scissors*:
273/365: 'K' is for Knicker Kicker
runs with *scissors*:
274/365: 'L' is for Lacy
runs with *scissors*:
275/365: 'M' is for Mad Scientist
runs with *scissors*:
277/365: O is for Oscar Wilde
runs with *scissors*:
278/365: 'P' Is for Poser
runs with *scissors*:
279/365: 'Q' is for Quote about Quiet
runs with *scissors*:
280/365: 'R' is for Rage
runs with *scissors*:
281/365: 'S' is for Smirky Spectacles with Sproingy Hair
runs with *scissors*:
282/365: 'T' is for Tip Toe
runs with *scissors*:
283/365: 'U' is for Under
runs with *scissors*:
284/365: 'V' is for Vanity
runs with *scissors*:
285/365: 'W' is for W
runs with *scissors*:
286/365: 'X'
runs with *scissors*:
287/365: 'Y' is for Yellow
runs with *scissors*:
288/365: 'Z' is for Zero