gentlyepigrams: New movie experience tonight. #latergram
gentlyepigrams: Voting #selfie
gentlyepigrams: The bulimic boar.
gentlyepigrams: Alfonso and Piggy.
gentlyepigrams: Crimes of Grindeldepp menu.
gentlyepigrams: Birthday dinner.
gentlyepigrams: Concentration.
gentlyepigrams: New hair color #selfie. #nofilter
gentlyepigrams: Roman dinner at the DMA. December 11, 2018.
gentlyepigrams: The light-distributing ceiling of the original building in the Kimbell.
gentlyepigrams: Alfonso bundled up against the cold. #catsofinstagram
gentlyepigrams: Post haircut #selfie.
gentlyepigrams: The view out my back door with clouds. In about an hour it will be even more pink and orange and gold.
gentlyepigrams: Frogs in the Perot courtyard. #latergram
gentlyepigrams: TFW a friend knits something in your color for you and it's beautiful and warm. Thanks @laurelviolet55! #nofilter
gentlyepigrams: Lap view.
gentlyepigrams: Post-haircut #selfie.
gentlyepigrams: Brisket enchiladas. Nom.
gentlyepigrams: Muse concert, American Airline Center.
gentlyepigrams: Captain Marvel.
gentlyepigrams: Snuggling the mascot. #latergram #kimbellartmuseum
gentlyepigrams: Post haircut selfie.
gentlyepigrams: Cider. #drinksofinstagram
gentlyepigrams: Rainbow vomitry. #rainbowvomit #rainbowvomitdallas
gentlyepigrams: What we drank with brats from the Farmer's Market & mustard. #cider
gentlyepigrams: Easter brunch.
gentlyepigrams: Early voting #selfie. Dallas, get out and vote!
gentlyepigrams: Austin + Houston + Beaumont trip April/May 2019
gentlyepigrams: Cider & cheese tasting.
gentlyepigrams: Mural at the local dining complex. #latergram