gentlyepigrams: IMG_0418
gentlyepigrams: IMG_0449
gentlyepigrams: IMG_0473
gentlyepigrams: IMG_0479
gentlyepigrams: IMG_0486
gentlyepigrams: IMG_0511
gentlyepigrams: IMG_0521
gentlyepigrams: IMG_0551
gentlyepigrams: It's been that kind of a week
gentlyepigrams: Plants outside my back door
gentlyepigrams: It's Shiner time
gentlyepigrams: Hibachi Fuji
gentlyepigrams: Long hood
gentlyepigrams: Beetle section of the parking lot
gentlyepigrams: We are not men! We aren't even octopodes yet!
gentlyepigrams: Wildflower season!
gentlyepigrams: Beer pitcher