I'mMarco: Routeeeeeeeeeee 66
I'mMarco: An alone tree looking at the nature
I'mMarco: chicago from the 96th floor of the Hancock center
I'mMarco: It's a hot day in Chicago
I'mMarco: The Cloud Gate
I'mMarco: ThE aRt InStItUtE oF cHiCaGo
I'mMarco: DSC_7502
I'mMarco: Street people in Chicago MORE INSIDE
I'mMarco: DSC_7585
I'mMarco: DSC_7614
I'mMarco: Somewhere in Chicago
I'mMarco: The beatboxing man (RoUtE 66 Faces #1)
I'mMarco: Let's start
I'mMarco: 9:03
I'mMarco: The hardware shop man in Hydro (Route 66 faces #2 )
I'mMarco: DSC_7925
I'mMarco: An old place
I'mMarco: Baby you can drive my car
I'mMarco: riders on the storm
I'mMarco: Jump up in the Monument Valley
I'mMarco: A lovely sunset
I'mMarco: where the streets have no name
I'mMarco: Walk of Fame
I'mMarco: Playing with water
I'mMarco: Father & Son
I'mMarco: Oceans #2
I'mMarco: Oceans # 1
I'mMarco: It's all good at the end of the day