imknowmadic2: IMG_0590edit
imknowmadic2: IMG_0590
imknowmadic2: me smoking hive box A
imknowmadic2: david & me removing honey frames from hive box
imknowmadic2: albert & me collecting a taste o honey
imknowmadic2: albert & me holding a honey frame
imknowmadic2: brushing excess bees off honey from as david holds the frame & john looks on
imknowmadic2: david & me placing the combs to be uncapped in bucket
imknowmadic2: frame laden with honey
imknowmadic2: IMG_0591
imknowmadic2: bucket full of honey frames
imknowmadic2: john, albert, and me inspecting the super
imknowmadic2: hive cover, sort of the ceiling, sits just beneath the outer styrofoam cover
imknowmadic2: 4 members of brookyln beekeepers group
imknowmadic2: albert & me holding a brood frame
imknowmadic2: albert and me lifting a frame from hive box A
imknowmadic2: mmm a frame of honey
imknowmadic2: more natural comb
imknowmadic2: sept 9th natural comb formed without frame
imknowmadic2: sept 9th, natural comb formed without frame
imknowmadic2: more natural comb2
imknowmadic2: natural comb close up
imknowmadic2: natural comb
imknowmadic2: natural comb2
imknowmadic2: david uncapping
imknowmadic2: close up of david & the honeycomb
imknowmadic2: david, me, & john in the extraction room
imknowmadic2: david uncapping close up
imknowmadic2: me uncapping
imknowmadic2: another new member uncaps as i look on