*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
flower power
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
spring is in the air!
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
welcome spring
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
sfumature primaverili
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
Im in love with tulips
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
Dieta vegetariana
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
To you.
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
fairy tail
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
For A Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
What colour are you? *White*
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
[9/52 weeks] vestiti
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
w e l c o m e s p r i n g
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
[12/52 weeks] Colazione
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
Spring breakfast
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
you are my sunshine my only sunshine
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
[13/52 weeks] Simplicity (+2 inside)
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
Hello April :) (more inside)
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
maledetta primavera
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
Earth Day (+1 inside)
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
[16/52 weeks] spring
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
[19/52 weeks] Total color (+1 inside)
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}:
e ritornare a fiorire!!