Daniela Ionesco: square Honoré Champion
Daniela Ionesco: le square en fleurs
Daniela Ionesco: winter flowers
Daniela Ionesco: square H.Champion
Daniela Ionesco: les fleurs du printemps
Daniela Ionesco: "False happiness renders men stern and proud, and that happiness is never communicated. True happiness renders them kind and sensible, and that happiness is always shared."
Daniela Ionesco: Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Daniela Ionesco: Voltaire : French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)"Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do."
Daniela Ionesco: I don't know the name of it, I know the smell.
Daniela Ionesco: IMG_2018
Daniela Ionesco: IMG_2022
Daniela Ionesco: IMG_2024
Daniela Ionesco: Voltaire