stlcoopers: The St. Louis Coopers at the Beach
stlcoopers: Arriving for Peter's Baptism
stlcoopers: Julie directs
stlcoopers: Grandpa and Grandma
stlcoopers: Waiting for her cousin's big event!
stlcoopers: Peter's Baptism
stlcoopers: The Godfather
stlcoopers: Mary loves her beach chair!
stlcoopers: Grandpa and the fam
stlcoopers: The boat that we didn't break
stlcoopers: Kayakers
stlcoopers: Mary loves Lizzie!
stlcoopers: Lizzie's not too sure...
stlcoopers: Mary vs. the ocean
stlcoopers: "It's not so bad..."
stlcoopers: Daddy and Mary
stlcoopers: Uncle Pat and Mary
stlcoopers: The pool is more Mary's style
stlcoopers: A little happier here!
stlcoopers: Mary and Mommy
stlcoopers: Like a giant bathtub...
stlcoopers: The Strollo-Chair
stlcoopers: Mary's favorite ride
stlcoopers: On the Pier with Uncle Duffy
stlcoopers: Daddy and Mary--in Hawaiian outfit
stlcoopers: Looking sharp on the pier
stlcoopers: Blowout!
stlcoopers: Carol checks their work
stlcoopers: Puttin' on the donut...