Wei, the farer: Castellammare
Wei, the farer: Castellammare
Wei, the farer: Teatro Massimo, Palermo
Wei, the farer: Piazza Ruggero Settimo, Palermo
Wei, the farer: Street Vendor
Wei, the farer: Taichung Liabrary
Wei, the farer: Taichung Parklane
Wei, the farer: Jingcheng 8th St.
Wei, the farer: Jingcheng 8th St.
Wei, the farer: Jingcheng 8th St.
Wei, the farer: Bamboo shoot vendor
Wei, the farer: our guesthouse
Wei, the farer: Quilt air-drying
Wei, the farer: Miyahara ice cream shop
Wei, the farer: Miyahara ice cream shop
Wei, the farer: Miyahara ice cream shop