Wei, the farer: Jesus Loves Little Children
Wei, the farer: 5:30am at departure gate
Wei, the farer: Lake Toba
Wei, the farer: Lake Toba
Wei, the farer: New Year Mass
Wei, the farer: Offering。奉獻禮
Wei, the farer: Presenting the Gifts
Wei, the farer: Satay。沙嗲
Wei, the farer: Satay Vendor
Wei, the farer: After the rain
Wei, the farer: Raining in the Garden
Wei, the farer: Lake Toba
Wei, the farer: 春節法會
Wei, the farer: Vihara Dharma Shanti, Brastagi
Wei, the farer: Candle Lighting
Wei, the farer: LCCT, KL
Wei, the farer: LCCT, KL
Wei, the farer: Kopi o beng & Pisang goreng
Wei, the farer: Fruit Market, Brastagi
Wei, the farer: Pasar Rame
Wei, the farer: Pasar Rame
Wei, the farer: Pasar Rame
Wei, the farer: Rooftop Garden
Wei, the farer: Sugar, oh honey honey
Wei, the farer: Annai Velangkanni Church, Medan