Wei, the farer: Forbidden City
Wei, the farer: In Hutong
Wei, the farer: Winter Wonderland
Wei, the farer: Upturned Eaves|飛簷
Wei, the farer: The Great Wall|長城
Wei, the farer: Temple of Heaven|天壇
Wei, the farer: Fortune|吉祥
Wei, the farer: Tenderness|親情
Wei, the farer: Upturned Eaves|飛簷
Wei, the farer: Temple of Heaven|天壇
Wei, the farer: Meridian Gate|午門
Wei, the farer: Beijing Yogurt|老北京酸奶
Wei, the farer: Naan|馕
Wei, the farer: Tanghulu|冰糖葫蘆
Wei, the farer: Fried (pork) sauce noodles|炸醬麵
Wei, the farer: Xiaolongbao|小籠包
Wei, the farer: Candy Floss|棉花糖
Wei, the farer: Instant-boiled mutton|涮羊肉
Wei, the farer: Street Shop in Beijing|街角小舖
Wei, the farer: Street Scene|街角
Wei, the farer: Red Lantern|大紅燈籠
Wei, the farer: Costume of the Qing Dynasty|清裝
Wei, the farer: Old Beijing|老北京
Wei, the farer: Cycle rickshaw|人力車
Wei, the farer: Bus|公交車
Wei, the farer: Shichahai|什煞海
Wei, the farer: Ice hockey training|小小冰棍球員
Wei, the farer: Hutong|胡同中
Wei, the farer: Street Artist|街頭藝人
Wei, the farer: Sleepy Kitty