IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: IMA 60.24 Covered Vessel With Handle, type 'You'
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: CR Radiograph of 60.24 'You' 170 KV 3 MAs 1.7 minutes
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Computed Radiology at the IMA
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Cabinet of Film Radiographs
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Looking over the shoulder of the x-ray tube down at 60.24 'You'
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Detail of CR Radiograph of 60.24 'You' 125 KV 3 MAs 1.4 minutes
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Computed Radiology at the IMA
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Annotated Detail of CR Radiograph of 60.24 'You' 125 KV 3 MAs 1.4 minutes
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Detail of CR Radiograph of 60.24 'You' 170 KV 3 MAs 1.7 minutes
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Computed Radiology at the IMA
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: CR Radiograph of 60.24, "You"
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: CR Radiograph of 60.24, "You"
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: CR Radiograph of 60.24, "You"
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: CR Radiograph of 60.24, "You"
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Computed Radiography at the IMA
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Film Radiograph of 60.24 "You" being displayed on a traditional light box showing side view
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: CR Radiograph of 60.24, "You"
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Computed Radiography at the IMA
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Computed Radiography at the IMA
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: One of 14x17 Reusable Phosphor Imaging Plates
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Preparing to radiogaph down through 60.24 "You"
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Computed Radiography at the IMA
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Film Radiograph of 60.24 "You" being displayed on a traditional light box showing down view
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art: Computed Radiography at the IMA