IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Enjoying the opening
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Everyone look this way!
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Power and Glory takes center stage
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Chopsticks and take out...Yum!
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Group photo time!
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Chinese-inspired table settings
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Two IMA staffers pause for a photo
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Around the table with food and fun
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
All smiles
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Couples and cocktails
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Party goers
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
In conversation
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Having fun
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
A little take out and all smiles
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Max Anderson talks with guests
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Pausing for a photo op
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
An opening performance
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Two ladies in red
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
A colorful crew
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Jim Robinson works the crowd
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
Looking sharp!
IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art:
IMA Curator, John Teramoto, chats with guests