imaginedhorizons: Cottages at Birling Gap 2009
imaginedhorizons: Birling Gap in 1994
imaginedhorizons: Birling Gap in the early 1990's
imaginedhorizons: Coastline from Birling Gap to Seaford Head
imaginedhorizons: Inspecting the chalk cliff
imaginedhorizons: Chalk Cliff, Birling Gap
imaginedhorizons: Cliff at Birling Gap
imaginedhorizons: Parascending at Birling Gap
imaginedhorizons: Parascending by the cliffs.
imaginedhorizons: Faulted Chalk
imaginedhorizons: Micraster Sea Urchin
imaginedhorizons: Inspecting the chalk
imaginedhorizons: Allan Leach and students at Birling Gap
imaginedhorizons: Allan describes the coombe rock at Birling Gap
imaginedhorizons: Parascender
imaginedhorizons: Rendzina Soil Profile
imaginedhorizons: Examing the Soil Profile, Birling Gap
imaginedhorizons: Close to the Edge
imaginedhorizons: Another ecology briefing
imaginedhorizons: Jane briefs the students about the ecology activity
imaginedhorizons: Counting plant species in the square
imaginedhorizons: Counting plant species
imaginedhorizons: Plant Surveying
imaginedhorizons: Activity C Team, Sussex, week commencing 25th July
imaginedhorizons: Craig Hutton
imaginedhorizons: Hawkweed Flowers
imaginedhorizons: Squinancywort
imaginedhorizons: Lady's Bedstraw
imaginedhorizons: Mouse Ear Hawkweed