Imaginary Mirror: "Just need a bit of life in this existence"
Imaginary Mirror: So afraid to fall
Imaginary Mirror: I'm not that simple.
Imaginary Mirror: Nothing's perfect.
Imaginary Mirror: No more rain, no more thunder. The Storm has passed.
Imaginary Mirror: Dangling in Doubt
Imaginary Mirror: Attimo di profumo (My 1st Explore! :D)
Imaginary Mirror: Controcorrente 1/10
Imaginary Mirror: Spring's coming
Imaginary Mirror: Stained by Rain
Imaginary Mirror: Breath of nature
Imaginary Mirror: My love's like dried flowers
Imaginary Mirror: Perfume Ecstasy
Imaginary Mirror: Red's my colour
Imaginary Mirror: Tiredness and roses
Imaginary Mirror: Winter spells_Number Two
Imaginary Mirror: Number Five
Imaginary Mirror: I'm lacking Something
Imaginary Mirror: Rose buds