imagetaker!: Threesome - AEC Mammoth Major Flatbed Lorry - 1959 - AEC Mercury Flatbed Lorry - 1954 - ERF 68G KV Flatbed Lorry - 1958
imagetaker!: Leyland Buffalo Artic with Trailer - 1977
imagetaker!: Ferguson Farm Tractors on the Move........... (6)
imagetaker!: John Deere 830 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (5)
imagetaker!: Fordson Farm Tractors on the Move........... (4)
imagetaker!: Massey Ferguson Farm Tractors on the Move........... (3)
imagetaker!: Fordson Farm Tractors on the Move........... (2)
imagetaker!: McCormick International B614 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (1)
imagetaker!: Silver Cloud Steam Roller
imagetaker!: Marshall Steam Traction Engine
imagetaker!: Fordson Farm Tractors on the Move........... (20)
imagetaker!: Ferguson 35 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (19)
imagetaker!: Fordson Power Major Farm Tractors on the Move........... (18)
imagetaker!: Massey Ferguson Farm Tractors on the Move........... (17)
imagetaker!: Ferguson 35 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (15)
imagetaker!: Massey Ferguson 135 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (14)
imagetaker!: Massey Ferguson Farm Tractors on the Move........... (13)
imagetaker!: Ferguson 35 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (12)
imagetaker!: Massey-Ferguson 135 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (11)
imagetaker!: Massey Ferguson 158 Super Farm Tractors on the Move........... (10)
imagetaker!: Husky Bolens 800 Tractors on the Move........... (9)
imagetaker!: International 472 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (8)
imagetaker!: Fordson Super Major Farm Tractors on the Move........... (7)
imagetaker!: Ferguson 35 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (21)
imagetaker!: Rumely Farm Tractors on the Move........... (22)
imagetaker!: Steam Line
imagetaker!: McCormick 276 Farm Tractors on the Move........... (25)
imagetaker!: Massey Ferguson Farm Tractors on the Move........... (24)
imagetaker!: Sentinel DG8 Lorry - 1929
imagetaker!: Sentinel DG8 Lorry - 1929