Graham Barker: War of the Worlds
Graham Barker: Bus depot, Hackney, London
Graham Barker: Gainsborough, Hackney, London
Graham Barker: Hackney
Graham Barker: London Fields, the day after.
Graham Barker: Baldwin Street, London EC1
Graham Barker: Baldwin Street, London EC1
Graham Barker: Moorfields Eye Hospital, London EC1
Graham Barker: Featherstone Street, London EC1
Graham Barker: Waterworks, River Lea
Graham Barker: Hackney Marshes, Olympic site
Graham Barker: Hackney Marshes, River Lea
Graham Barker: Waterworks, River Lea
Graham Barker: A branch of the Thames, River Lea
Graham Barker: Waterworks, River Lea
Graham Barker: Waterworks, Hackney
Graham Barker: Millfields Waterworks, Hackney
Graham Barker: France, hammock
Graham Barker: France, maize
Graham Barker: Fort Mahon Plage, France
Graham Barker: St Nathalene, France
Graham Barker: Fort Mahon Plage, France
Graham Barker: 2010_08_22_img9flkr
Graham Barker: Double-exposure#4
Graham Barker: Double-exposure#3
Graham Barker: Double-exposure#2
Graham Barker: Double-exposure#1
Graham Barker: Double image from the same neg
Graham Barker: Double-exposure#6