Images 'n the lens photography:
Jazzy and Anna
Images 'n the lens photography:
Anna profile view
Images 'n the lens photography:
Anna in the sunshine
Images 'n the lens photography:
Images 'n the lens photography:
Anna with ball
Images 'n the lens photography:
Anna looking at ball
Images 'n the lens photography:
Images 'n the lens photography:
Anna my little Diva
Images 'n the lens photography:
Jazzy in the snow
Images 'n the lens photography:
Jazzy with her frisbee
Images 'n the lens photography:
Jazzy in the snow
Images 'n the lens photography:
Images 'n the lens photography:
Bubbles and Jazzy
Images 'n the lens photography:
Bubbles in the snow
Images 'n the lens photography:
Bubbles in Halloween collar
Images 'n the lens photography:
Hello Bubbles
Images 'n the lens photography:
Christmas Shelties decorated
Images 'n the lens photography:
Jazzy is bored!
Images 'n the lens photography:
Anna in the snow
Images 'n the lens photography:
Anna & Jazzy
Images 'n the lens photography:
Images 'n the lens photography:
Images 'n the lens photography:
Images 'n the lens photography:
Maggie & Natalie
Images 'n the lens photography:
Maggie playing fetch.
Images 'n the lens photography: