ImAges ImprObables: Prête à l'envol... Ready to fly... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Les dames au petit chien... Ladies with little dog... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Pour un Anax prendre deux Xanax... For one Anax take two Xanax... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Un automne d'azur... An autumn of azure... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: La lecture de l'horoscope... Reading the horoscope... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: L'été indien... The Indian summer... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #G'MIC #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Le cavalier des hauts plateaux... The rider of the high highlands... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Tu fais quoi ce soir?... What are you doing tonight?... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Une forteresse pour la nature... A fortress for nature... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Le vol du sphinx... The flight of the sphinx... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #G'MIC #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Schtroumpf alors... Smurf then... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: A contre courant... Against the current... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Quand la neige s'invite dans le paysage... When the snow comes into the landscape... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #Luminance #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Drôme mon amour... Drôme my love... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: La nature est la plus forte... Nature is the strongest... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Le retour du roi... The return of the king... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Tellement mignon... So cute... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Agilité et courage... Agility and courage... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Premier frimas... First cold weather... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: L'équipée sauvage... The Wild team... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Une promesses... A promise... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Le petit roux... The little redhead... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Bonheur matinal... Morning Happiness... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: La petite curieuse... The little curious... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Un thé dans les étoiles... Tea in the stars... #E-M10MarkII #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Un dernier regard sur 2019... A Last Look at 2019... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Bonne et heureuse année... Happy New Year... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Boulle de plume... Feather ball... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Sitelle Torchepot... Nuthatch... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam
ImAges ImprObables: Merveilleuse nature... Marvellous nature... #E-M10MarkII #RawTherapee #Gimp #DigiKam