imaGENEation: Fr.Jojo's Parish
imaGENEation: AHS'77 Batchmates
imaGENEation: Waiting Area for beneficiaries
imaGENEation: More volunteers
imaGENEation: Dispensary Section
imaGENEation: Nurses in waiting
imaGENEation: More Volunteer Dentists
imaGENEation: Fr.Jojo & sponsor
imaGENEation: Donated Medicine
imaGENEation: Back-up team
imaGENEation: More patients
imaGENEation: Organizing the doctors & volunteers
imaGENEation: Volunteer from Ateneo Coll'81
imaGENEation: Pharmacist Dave
imaGENEation: Dispensary work
imaGENEation: Tong & Itos
imaGENEation: Dr.Karl at work
imaGENEation: Pretty Dentist
imaGENEation: Dr. Tet Ubaldo, President of QCDI
imaGENEation: Doc Dong
imaGENEation: Dr. Alan Castro, Mla Doctors Hospital
imaGENEation: It took 4 batchmates to read the rx
imaGENEation: Batchmate George Tan, a new nursing graduate (2nd career)
imaGENEation: Doc Abby Elueterio
imaGENEation: AHS'77 Volunteers
imaGENEation: Volunteer Doctors
imaGENEation: All-female Volunteer Dentists Grp
imaGENEation: Doctor's Timeout
imaGENEation: Grace before Meals