image mine: built to last
image mine: still standing
image mine: the shed
image mine: abandon
image mine: sandy creek covered bridge
image mine: work boots
image mine: cleaning stuff
image mine: steel bridge
image mine: entrance
image mine: street view in B&W_
image mine: school under renovation_
image mine: demolition
image mine: Moolah lanes, under remodeling
image mine: among the weeds
image mine: entranceway
image mine: Jungle Jim
image mine: abandon steel plant-Pano
image mine: out of the past
image mine: rehab
image mine: abandon
image mine: take home
image mine: last one
image mine: garge old & new
image mine: factory window
image mine: overtime is over
image mine: vintage architectural structure
image mine: hanging in there
image mine: gloomy
image mine: visible sky
image mine: shadows of a church