imafundork: Take me with you?
imafundork: Hey, who are you?!
imafundork: 44:365 Hey! You're blocking my shot!
imafundork: my favorites...
imafundork: sunshine
imafundork: We got interrupted!
imafundork: Brody likes to check flickr.
imafundork: Deja Vu
imafundork: Lucky and Brody
imafundork: Hellllllllllooooooooooo
imafundork: Sleepy Girl
imafundork: Aware Someone is Watching Her
imafundork: Not Happy
imafundork: Pay attention to me!
imafundork: My fur babies
imafundork: Brody Brod and Lux
imafundork: Why'd ya wake me?
imafundork: Big Yawn!
imafundork: Back to Sleep
imafundork: You can't see me!
imafundork: 7:31 Favorite
imafundork: I don't feel well and Brody knows it.
imafundork: Brody is curled up sleeping next to me while I knit.