stefano zerauschek: A Lake Cerknica Sinkholes Canyon, from Miracle of Life to Symbol of Death; Cerkniško Jezero, "Notranjski Regijski Park" (Regional Park of the Internal Karst), Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: Where Are the 38 Square Kilometers of Lake Cerknica Water Surface? In This Docu-Photo There Is Only a Part of the Large Polje that Hosted the Lake for Most of the Year; Something Is Changing
stefano zerauschek: Thermal Inversion Low Stratified Radiation Fog On Metulje Basin (717m a.s.l.); Internal Karst Region/Notranjska, Bloke, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: Lake Dimon (1852m a.s.l.) and Mount Paularo (2043m a.s.l., right) Early in the Morning; Carnia Alpine Region, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Mount Antelao (3264m a.s.l., Veneto Dolomites) from a Great Distance in Carnia; Udine, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: A Rich Sunset into Dusk in a Glimpse of the Gulf of Trieste, FVG, Italia
Ervin Szombathelyi: Maculinea ligurica
peter_sossi: Libelloides01
Joose SF: Orthetrum cancellatum ♂♀
Joose SF: Cordulegaster boltonii ♂
Prajzner: Somatochlora metallica
brunofurlan: Piro piro piccolo / Actitis hypoleucos
Federico Indri: Dente di cane w
lincerosso: Effimere tracce
brunofurlan: Cutrettola / Motacila flava
brunofurlan: Cutrettola / Motacila flava
brunofurlan: Poiana / Buteo buteo
Alessandro Laporta Photographer: Himantopus himantopus
Alessandro Laporta Photographer: "Mister Dicembre" Calendario A.ST.O.R.E. 2013 by Anas platyrhynchos ♂
lincerosso: Corallo
lincerosso: Silenziose presenze
Strolicfurlan: Let's go Giants!
margit-luitpold2005: movimento... movement..
margit-luitpold2005: smergo, merganser