Ilsa Han: Bike move
Ilsa Han: James with nicely packed trailer
Ilsa Han: Drew with bike trailer and backpack
Ilsa Han: Matt with sleeping bag.
Ilsa Han: Justin is also a very good packer.
Ilsa Han: Bike move
Ilsa Han: Drew with another backpack and trailer
Ilsa Han: Ron moved our lawn furniture in one haul.
Ilsa Han: Bike move
Ilsa Han: Entire lawn furniture set fits on Ron's bike trailer
Ilsa Han: I can't believe it all fit.
Ilsa Han: We did use a car for some things...
Ilsa Han: Risky packing.
Ilsa Han: They weren't kidding about towing the canoe by bike
Ilsa Han: Matt getting ready to hop into the canoe
Ilsa Han: loading up the canoe
Ilsa Han: Nothing left to move but the canoe
Ilsa Han: The Great Bicycle Move
Ilsa Han: loading up the canoe
Ilsa Han: loading up the canoe
Ilsa Han: The Great Bicycle Move