International Livestock Research Institute:
Entrance gate, Debre-Zeit
International Livestock Research Institute:
Woman, children and cow before their household in Ethiopia
International Livestock Research Institute:
Making butter
International Livestock Research Institute:
Ethiopia woman churning butter
International Livestock Research Institute:
Making butter with ILCA developed agitator
International Livestock Research Institute:
Fly traps were used to assess the tsetse challenge the animals were exposed to, 1987
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI Addis campus being constructed
International Livestock Research Institute:
Broad-Bed Maker (BBM)
International Livestock Research Institute:
Cottage Debre-Zeit.
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI historical: Amalgamation of ILRAD and ILCA
International Livestock Research Institute:
Distribution of tsetse flies in Africa. 1980
International Livestock Research Institute:
The tsetse fly, which spreads the livestock disease trypanosomosis
International Livestock Research Institute:
Tsetse fly feeding
International Livestock Research Institute:
The parasite Trypanosoma brucei
International Livestock Research Institute:
Microscopic view of a tick
International Livestock Research Institute:
Embryo transfer
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI campus (Nairobi)
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI campus (Nairobi): Campus
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI campus (Nairobi): Labs
International Livestock Research Institute:
Official opening of the Biosciences eastern central Africa (BecA) Hub at ILRI: Lunch invite
International Livestock Research Institute:
Bio-Innovate launch: BecA Hub DNA sculpture: plaque
International Livestock Research Institute:
Merkel visits ILRI Nairobi: Lab shot
International Livestock Research Institute:
Merkel visits ILRI Nairobi: Lab shot
International Livestock Research Institute:
Merkel visits ILRI Nairobi: Arrival
International Livestock Research Institute:
Slide from 'Taking the Long Livestock View' presentation by Jimmy Smith
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI Bioscience strategic meeting in Kapiti
International Livestock Research Institute:
Visit by Anthony Beattie: Table detail
International Livestock Research Institute:
Official opening of the ILRI-Tanzania office: Banner
International Livestock Research Institute:
Food safety and informal markets book launch: Book
International Livestock Research Institute:
The completed painting on the front of the container