International Livestock Research Institute: Water quality in the ponds within the pastoral units in the Ferlo
International Livestock Research Institute: Scattered trees across rangeland landscape in Senegal provide shade for livestock_Photo by Mounir Louhaichi
International Livestock Research Institute: Rangeland monitoring using point line intercept in southern Tunisia_Photo by Mouldi Gamoun
International Livestock Research Institute: Met service sharing the seasonal climate forecast in a Local Technical Agroclimatic Committee in Guatemala_Photo by Mónica Hernández CIAT
International Livestock Research Institute: Conversion from rangeland to commercial ranch in northern Senegal
International Livestock Research Institute: Bush encroachement is a major handicap to livestock grazing in Tanzania_Photo by Mounir Louhaichi
International Livestock Research Institute: Buffel grass provides a valuable option to restore degraded rangelands and forage for livestock in Tanzania_Photo by Mounir Louhaichi
International Livestock Research Institute: Close up of Nelore short cycle cattle at Hacienda San Jose
International Livestock Research Institute: Nelore short cycle cattle at Hacienda San Jose
International Livestock Research Institute: Cattle rancher and Nelore short cycle cattle
International Livestock Research Institute: Jacobo Arango measures root systems of Brachiaria grasses at Hacienda San Jose
International Livestock Research Institute: Samburu pastoralist and his animals
International Livestock Research Institute: A Samburu mother enters nutrition data into an app
International Livestock Research Institute: Measuring nitrous oxide and methane in bomas in Kapiti in Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute: Milking at Bengbu dairy farm, holds 470,000 cows. China Agricultural University is working with them to measure, report and reduce livestock-generated GHG emissions. Credit: Wei Wang, China Agricultural University and China Modern Dairy Holdings, Ltd.
International Livestock Research Institute: Kiteto district commissioner addressing the congregation. Photo by Birikaa Olesikilal/ILRI.
International Livestock Research Institute: Women congregation in Partimbo village with district and villages leaders. Photo by Birikaa Olesikilal/ILRI.
International Livestock Research Institute: Osobey-Globo rangeland unit, Ethiopia long dry season grazing area on the ban of the Dawa river. Photo by Mohammed Said/ILRI.
International Livestock Research Institute: Pastoralist watering his camels during the short dry season
International Livestock Research Institute: Community of Harabali sub-rangeland unit discussin seasonal mobility
International Livestock Research Institute: The 84,000 hectares of grazing land protected for livestock keepers through joint village land use planning in the ALOLLE village cluster, Kiteto district, Manyara region
International Livestock Research Institute: Director General Appolinaire Djikeng signs the MOU with the National Land Use Planning Commission. Credit Mireille Ferrari:ILRI
International Livestock Research Institute: ALOLLE participatory land use management (PLUM) members holding their joint village land use plan. Photo by KINNAPA/ILRI.
International Livestock Research Institute: Group of participants in a PGIS session for community-based natural resources development in Um Baru, North Darfur, Sudan. Photo by H.Sulieman/ILRI.
International Livestock Research Institute: Farmers and experts working jointly to measure plant species composition in abandoned agricultural field in Babikeri area in southern Gadarif, Sudan. Photo by H. Sulieman/ILRI.
International Livestock Research Institute: Fallata (Fulbe) pastoralist woman preparing a decorated piece. Photo by H.Sulieman/ILRI.
International Livestock Research Institute: Fallata (Fulbe) pastoralist on move in southern Gadarif, Sudan. Photo by H.Sulieman/ILRI.
International Livestock Research Institute: Fallata (Fulbe) pastoralist cattle on move in southern Gadarif, Sudan. Photo by H.Sulieman/ILRI