International Livestock Research Institute: MoreMilkiT training workshop participants
International Livestock Research Institute: Lusato Kurwijila demonstrating the Maziccan
International Livestock Research Institute: Yusuf Kingazi, model milk trader
International Livestock Research Institute: MoreMilkiT project staff meeting with district technical officers
International Livestock Research Institute: Milk traders in Tanzania
International Livestock Research Institute: Amina, a veterinary doctor demonstrating how to test mastitis using the Mazzican
International Livestock Research Institute: Julius Githinji introducing the Mazzican during the seminar
International Livestock Research Institute: Participants in training
International Livestock Research Institute: Tom Sillayo assessing business opportunities for a milk trader
International Livestock Research Institute: Adolf Mushi assessing a milk trader's business
International Livestock Research Institute: Johannes Osarya assessing a milk trader's business