International Livestock Research Institute:
Locally made beef stew sold in Bagnon market at Yopougon, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute:
Wet market in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, July 2018
International Livestock Research Institute:
Hoa Binh province, Vietnam July 2018
International Livestock Research Institute:
Informal sales of raw milk in Yopougon Lièvre rouge site, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute:
Buying dried fish
International Livestock Research Institute:
Beef for sale at Goro town market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Livestock and people in Hung Yen province, Vietnam, July 2018
International Livestock Research Institute:
Scoping visit in Phnom penh, 11-14 September 2017
International Livestock Research Institute:
Milk sale in Nairobi's informal market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Local food market in Addis Ababa
International Livestock Research Institute:
Milk collection in India
International Livestock Research Institute:
Livestock and people in Hanoi, Vietnam, July 2018
International Livestock Research Institute:
Beef and pork sellers in Maputo's traditional market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Grid with fish at the end of smoking in the village of Fanty in Port-Bouët, Côte d’Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute:
Food shop in Almora, a mid-hill town in India's northern state of Uttarakhand
International Livestock Research Institute:
Chickens for sale in Maputo's Xipamanine traditional market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Market near Khulungira Village, in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute:
Livestock and people in Hung Yen province, Vietnam, July 2018
International Livestock Research Institute:
Buying eggs from a Hanoi street vendor
International Livestock Research Institute:
Cooking chicken at Burkina Faso market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Typical milk bar in Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute:
Indian vegetable stand at the market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Ethiopia: Women in the market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Scoping visit in Phnom penh, 11-14 September 2017
International Livestock Research Institute:
Selling pork in a traditonal Vietnamese market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Selling pork in a traditonal Vietnamese market
International Livestock Research Institute:
A market in Son La province
International Livestock Research Institute:
Selling pork in a traditonal Vietnamese market
International Livestock Research Institute:
Scoping visit in Phnom penh, 11-14 September 2017
International Livestock Research Institute:
A4NH Partner Day in Vietnam 2018