International Livestock Research Institute:
Meron Mulatu, Shirley Tarawali, Linda Opati and Terry Muindi
International Livestock Research Institute:
Customer Service and Emotional Intelligence training: Hulda Mogaka
International Livestock Research Institute:
Hung Nguyen
International Livestock Research Institute:
Conference bag
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI staff after attending the conference
International Livestock Research Institute:
Peter Kiberu receives a gift at his at his farewell dinner party on 25th March 2011
International Livestock Research Institute:
Customer Service and Emotional Intelligence training:Grace Miceka
International Livestock Research Institute:
Global food security
International Livestock Research Institute:
Visit by Canadian High Commissioner to Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute:
53 new accessions of Napier grass received at Forage Genebank
International Livestock Research Institute:
Upgrade of the nutritional labs in Debre Zeit
International Livestock Research Institute:
Maasai woman carrying firewood with a goat
International Livestock Research Institute:
One of the improved sweet potato variety.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Livestock and Fish press conference to present the competitive beef and dairy through sustainable intensification and specialized market access project
International Livestock Research Institute:
Adey Fekele at the BecA-ILRI Hub
International Livestock Research Institute:
Visit to ILRI by Anthony Beattie: Joshua Amimo
International Livestock Research Institute:
Humid tropics capacity development workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI booth at the EcoHealth Conference in Montreal, Aug 2014
International Livestock Research Institute:
Ethel Makila leads lab tour
International Livestock Research Institute:
ILRI@40 Cake
International Livestock Research Institute:
Tour stop: Capacity development at ILRI
International Livestock Research Institute:
Tour stop: Capacity development at ILRI
International Livestock Research Institute:
Big Red-Letter Poster Series
International Livestock Research Institute:
International Livestock Research Institute:
Food safety and informal markets book launch: Book
International Livestock Research Institute:
Humidtropics Writeshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Maziwa Zaidi review and planning meeting March 2015
International Livestock Research Institute:
Maziwa Zaidi review and planning meeting March 2015
International Livestock Research Institute:
Customer Service and Emotional Intelligence training :Tery Muindi
International Livestock Research Institute:
APM 2013: staff development