International Livestock Research Institute:
Dr Amata explains to the Bio-Innovate team how propagation takes place
International Livestock Research Institute:
Moses Njiriri explains how he multiplies the virus free sweet potato vines to sell to other farmers
International Livestock Research Institute:
Moses Njiriri with the virus free cut vines
International Livestock Research Institute:
Moses Njiriri with the virus free cut vines
International Livestock Research Institute:
Moses Njiriri demostrates how to plant sweetpotato vines for obtaining yields
International Livestock Research Institute:
Dr Amata shows the different varieties of sweetpotato on Moses Njiriri's farm
International Livestock Research Institute:
Sweet potato vines awaiting transfer to the field for bulking (multiplication)
International Livestock Research Institute:
Wastewater ready for pumping into the biogas digester
International Livestock Research Institute:
One of the wastewater recovery processes
International Livestock Research Institute:
Project 5 on recovery and reuse of wastewater
International Livestock Research Institute:
Banana wine being packaged
International Livestock Research Institute:
Banana wine being bottled at Banana Investment Limited
International Livestock Research Institute:
Interview of Dr. Robert Ntakamelenga, Director of Compliance and Enforcement at the National Environment Management Council (NEMC)
International Livestock Research Institute:
Flora Tibazarwa, Tanzania Commission for Science & Technology (COSTECH) facilitates the workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Abdisa Yilma and Seyum Leta at the workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Suresh Patel, Kenya Association of Manufacturer at the workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Representative of Her Excellency W/ro Demitu Hambissa, Minister, FDRE Ministry of Science and Technology, Abdisa Yilma makes speech at the workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Participants of the Bio-innovate Regional Industrial Effluent Management Workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Representative of Her Excellency W/ro Demitu Hambissa, Minister, FDRE Ministry of Science and Technology, Abdisa Yilma being interviewed
International Livestock Research Institute:
Julius Ecuru, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology being interviewed
International Livestock Research Institute:
Karoli Nicolas Njau, University of Dar es Salaam/ Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science & Technology at the workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Seyum Leta at the Bio-innovate Regional Industrial Effluent Management workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Emmanuel Malifu, industrial effluent management country consultant from Ethiopia
International Livestock Research Institute:
Enid Turyahikayo, National Environmental Management Authority, Uganda
International Livestock Research Institute:
Participants discuss at the Bio-innovate Regional Industrial Effluent Management workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Margaret Karembu at the Bio-innovate Regional Industrial Effluent Management workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Top policy makers and scientists convene in Addis Ababa to discuss regional policy on industrial effluent management
International Livestock Research Institute:
Redempta Samuel Tarimo and Erasmus Masumbuko Uisso from Tanzania discuss at the workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Poster presentation and exhibition at the Bio-Innovate Regional scientific conference
International Livestock Research Institute:
Appolinaire Djikeng, BecA-Hub at the conference